Gamertag: ATC Romans 116 (XBL), t3_romans_116 (PSN), AtcRomans116 (Steam)
Time Zone: Eastern
OOS: 18C
Platforms: PC, Xbox One, PS4, Tabletop
Favorite Games: Crackdown, Borderlands, Forza Franchise
About Me:
I work for the school district as an IT Help Desk. I also coached varsity football for 12 years. I got saved at 13 and wavered away from the faith as a young adult. I returned to my walk with Christ around the age of 23, have been walking with Him since. My hobbies include board gaming, miniature painting, and video games. I game regularly and have been apart of ATC for about many years now and have been blessed.
Favorite Quote: “His love endures forever.”